
Award Selection

Award Selection and Judging process.


The Awards have the most rigorous evaluation process.  The use of independent evaluators, a review panel of renowned business leaders, and leading-edge criteria make this evaluation process unique and impartial. No one can win unless they meet the eligibility criteria, meaning that some categories may go without a winner.

The process of judging all the nominations will take place between 1st July to 14th July 2024. The judges are recruited from across the globe. During the judging process, each nomination will be assessed and rated by a minimum of six judges who have been approved as qualified by the Organizing Committee of the Commonwealth Partnership Summit & Business Excellence Awards.


Commonwealth Business Excellence Awards" is an event where different organizations submit their entries for different categories. Once the judging process is complete, the entries that receive an average score of at least 80% out of 100 will be eligible for Platinum, Gold, and Silver status, regardless of category. The entry that receives the highest average score will receive a Platinum Award, and the second and third-highest score recipients will receive the Gold and Silver Awards, respectively. Any entry with false information or misleading details will be disqualified.


Initial Screening by CPSBE Awards

Submission of Nomination



Qualitative & Quantitative Audit

Final Judjing by Organising Committee



Winner Announcement

Awards Presentaion Ceremony